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Investor Updates

Get the support you need, in real-time through a centralized platform to collaborate with investors.


Data Integrations

Streamline data sharing through powerful permissioning and integrations with banking, accounting, and payroll systems.


Advanced Analytics

Access and analyze your own data as investors do to plan for your next fundraising round.


Centralized Distribution

Send reports and structured data to all of your investors with a single click and never worry about filling multiple templates.

Automate reporting and focus on what matters

Seamlessly collect, track, and share data with the
right people at the right time.

Connect directly to your systems of record and manage the flow of data to your investors more efficiently.

Build and maintain strong relationships with your investors by collaborating outside of regular reporting cycles through investor updates and asks.

Centralize and share structured data with all of your investors in one place, saving you time and effort on reporting.

Data Centralization & Analytics


Explore feature


Pre-built integrations with banking, accounting, and payroll systems


A central source of truth for all company metrics

Proactive Stakeholder Collaboration


Explore feature


Drag-and-drop report builder with pre-populated metrics


Increased investor support and accountability through “asks”


Stakeholder CRM to manage all investor relationships

Streamlined Investor Reporting


Explore feature


Automate the regular sharing of information with key stakeholders


Save time with pre-filled reports from your metrics repository


Automated reminders and alerts

Designed for venture-backed startups

Investor Updates

Focus on telling your story instead of building charts, and get your latest data in with a single click.


Unlock the value of your stakeholder network by collaborating on direct asks.

Stakeholder CRM

Track, manage and scale your stakeholder relationships.

Data Security

Have peace of mind knowing that your data is following the highest industry standards, SOC 2 Type II.

Metrics Repository

Ensure that you’re always viewing and sharing the latest, most complete metrics.

Real-Time FX Rates

Log your metrics in native currencies and normalize to your universal currency without worry.

Here’s what our customers say about us

Standard Metrics saves us time by consolidating how we share quarterly financials with our investors!

Ray Zhou


Drafting multiple stakeholder updates for our investors, advisors, and strategics in Standard Metrics is seamless and allows us to provide richer context to our investors. For example, we can easily embed media (such as Loom videos) to provide more insight into the business and product.

Reed McGinley-Stempel


Standard Metrics has been a great tool to simplify and streamline investor communications.

Joel Ifill


Standard Metrics saves me a ton of headspace by serving two critical functions; first it puts all my critical data in one dashboard that I can reference daily to support capital deployment– rather than waiting weeks for my finance team. Second, it streamlines my investor relations. Before I used to spend hours each month managing lists of investors and metrics – now it’s all in one database that my whole team can access. This allows me to focus on running the business they invested in rather than reporting.

Nathan Mintz

CEO and Co-founder

Standard Metrics is so much better than the old system our investors asked us to use.

Reid Spitz

Head of Operations and Co-founder

Streamline investor relations

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